Katy tarts herself up in the hope that she's going for a run with Martin. She's disappointed to learn that he's taking David fishing with Craig instead. Blanche has gone to look after her sick sister in Morecambe. Curly confides in Emily that his marriage is on the rocks because Emma thinks more of her job than she does of him and Ben.
44 - 1Wednesday, 1st January 2003 January 01, 2003
44 - 2Friday, 3rd January 2003 January 03, 2003
44 - 3Episode 3 January 05, 2003
44 - 4Episode 4 January 06, 2003
44 - 812 January 2003 January 12, 2003
44 - 33Mon 17 Feb, 2003 (Part 1) February 17, 2003
44 - 34Mon 17 Feb, 2003 (Part 2) February 17, 2003
44 - 35Wed 19 Feb, 2003 February 19, 2003
44 - 36Fri 21 Feb, 2003 February 21, 2003
44 - 1265512 May 26, 2004
44 - 248Wed Dec 31 2003 December 31, 2003