After assignment 1, in which the duos have to deliver a structure in just 10 minutes, in assignment 2 they have to show how well they can tell stories. Can they explain in their own, imaginative and creative way how the device works on Brickmaster from the inside? Last week's winners won an advantage on these assignments, but whether they take advantage of them?
1 - 1Episode 1 April 11, 2020
1 - 2Episode 2 April 18, 2020
1 - 3Episode 3 April 25, 2020
1 - 4Dream Apartment May 02, 2020
1 - 5Build a bridge May 09, 2020
1 - 6Story Time May 16, 2020
1 - 7Time Travel May 23, 2020
1 - 8Final May 30, 2020